Episode 106 - The impact of Psychology and how it can help support you with your career- Interview with Natasha Tiwari

In this Episode we talk with Natasha Tiwari an award winning psychologist and psychotherapist

Within this Episode we talk about:

  • What Natasha does to support families and children with mental health

  • Workplace bullying and the psychological impact of it

  • Feeling Shame around workplace bullying

  • What is Narcissism and how it links to personality

  • Narcissism in the workplace and what's like working with one

  • Feeling safe at work and the psychology impact of this

  • Young people and the impact Covid-19 has on them and their education etc.

  • Mental health and the importance of talking about in schools and at work

Episodes that you find interesting

1. Episode 68 Narcissism episode - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-68-How-Narcissism-can-affect-you-in-the-workplace-eotq3m

2. Episode 20 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-20---How-anxiety-can-affect-your-career-Interview-with-Cristina-Cioffi-e5m46k

3. Episode 33 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-33---3-tips-on-workplace-bullying-eb9fi3

4. Episode 35 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-35---Why-good-mental-health-is-important-in-your-career-and-business-Interview-with-Suzannah-Butcher-ebv690

5. Episode 67 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-67---What-lessons-have-we-learnt-in-2020-and-from-the-Pandemic-enu4mu

6. Episode 70 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-70---Why-do-we-not-tell-anyone-when-we-are-being-bullied-at-work-ep966f

7. Episode 71 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-71---How-your-personality-can-impact-your-career-epjbea

You can connect with Natasha on

Instagram - Psychologist (@iamnatashat)

https://www.instagram.com › iamnatashat

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/natashatiwari/

Veda group - https://www.thevedagroup.com/

Natasha's site - https://www.natashatiwari.co.uk/


Episode 107 - What is it like being a careers adviser and what do we do?


Episode 105 - What being a WOC is really like living in the UK and how as it impacted on my career