Episode 106 - The impact of Psychology and how it can help support you with your career- Interview with Natasha Tiwari
In this Episode we talk with Natasha Tiwari an award winning psychologist and psychotherapist
Within this Episode we talk about:
What Natasha does to support families and children with mental health
Workplace bullying and the psychological impact of it
Feeling Shame around workplace bullying
What is Narcissism and how it links to personality
Narcissism in the workplace and what's like working with one
Feeling safe at work and the psychology impact of this
Young people and the impact Covid-19 has on them and their education etc.
Mental health and the importance of talking about in schools and at work
Episodes that you find interesting
1. Episode 68 Narcissism episode - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-68-How-Narcissism-can-affect-you-in-the-workplace-eotq3m
2. Episode 20 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-20---How-anxiety-can-affect-your-career-Interview-with-Cristina-Cioffi-e5m46k
3. Episode 33 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-33---3-tips-on-workplace-bullying-eb9fi3
5. Episode 67 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-67---What-lessons-have-we-learnt-in-2020-and-from-the-Pandemic-enu4mu
6. Episode 70 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-70---Why-do-we-not-tell-anyone-when-we-are-being-bullied-at-work-ep966f
7. Episode 71 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-71---How-your-personality-can-impact-your-career-epjbea
You can connect with Natasha on
Instagram - Psychologist (@iamnatashat)
https://www.instagram.com › iamnatashat
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/natashatiwari/
Veda group - https://www.thevedagroup.com/
Natasha's site - https://www.natashatiwari.co.uk/