Your Happiness in Business Matters!
Are you a busy business owner who has been running your business for at least 2 or more years?
Do you enjoy having the freedom of having a business but feel FOMO about social media and marketing?
Do you feel time slips away from you and you wonder how everyone manages to get so much done?
Is this what your business looks like now?
Hectic but disorganised in how you are running it day to day
Fully booked and overwhelmed by requests to do podcasts and PR
You have a never-ending to-do list and not enough time to finish everything
The feeling of information overload is making you question your business and approach to how you run it
You know you need to outsource some of the work in your business but feel like others won’t do the work how you want them to
Is this how you are feeling about your business right now?
Your business is taking over your personal life and you are living a hustle led business
All the elements of running a business like admin, marketing and even visibility make you wonder if you could be working smarter instead of working on overdrive
You have all the ideas, but don’t know where to start: You may be questioning if you should start a blog, create a podcast or even be active on LinkedIn, do videos or join clubhouse etc
Time seems like an endless loop for you as you may be juggling being a parent or have other commitments
You feel like the business isn’t growing or in sync with where you want to go. You know you could be doing things differently and feel less like you are in a business and more in a business rat race. Especially when you go onto social media platforms and everyone you look at appears to be doing so well
You’re worried that you are self-sabotaging your success by not embracing change in your business and want to rebrand or pivot but feel this is too risky
What do you really want in your business is:
To be organised in how you are running it and have a team or assistant to help you manage your diary and feel less overwhelmed with the day to day running of it
Have better systems in place to help you book onto a podcast and get better PR for your business
Understanding that not every new social media aspect will be in alignment with your business and that there are more traditional networking avenues that could be more suited to growing your business
Be more productive with your time and understand that there are smart approaches to work when you need to get a lot done but doing it without feeling burnt out
Realise that as your business grows so will you and the new opportunities in line with your values may open doors for you to reach more clients who need your services and be open and embrace these opportunities

I offer bespoke and realistic business coaching to help you have a business that feels good for you and is run on your terms without feeling like everyone else is doing more amazing than you.
Running a business is a unique journey for everyone and your ambitions don’t mean you have to be Oprah or Marie Forleo. Both these women are awesome and it’s important you have great dreams but if you feel others are always doing better than you and your business is fleeting are you potentially causing this?
Do you have systems in place, like automation, an assistant or even a small team if possible?
Have you taken time to revaluate what it is you really truly love and enjoy in your business?
You don’t have to be on every social media platform. Are there ways you can simplify your marketing and business goals without feeling like you aren’t good enough?
The aim with bespoke coaching is to help you want to run a business that you want, not what others are doing. Marketing is an essential element of your business but are there things you could be doing more of like content marketing or less admin. Is a blog really something you want to do?
The aim is to help you feel happier about the business you are running and develop something in line with you and your future.
Elements we could look at together are:
Getting PR
How to use social media effectively
Content marketing
Leads and follow-ups
Money and having clear goals around this
The importance of planning in your business
Productivity tools and methods
Resilience and Psychology in relation to business
Wellbeing and how this impacts on you and your business
Your business vision and purpose for the future and what you want from it.
To apply for a call please contact us below
The Solution
You have three options to choose from:
A single Business Happiness Session
A bespoke questionnaire before the session
A 90 minute session business coaching session designed to create a plan and support you with what something you need hands on support with
Follow-up support via 2 emails where you ask me questions or get further email support
Price £287
or pay in two instalments of £143.50
I currently have 2 spaces available for this till 3rd October 2024
3 months Business Happiness Program
A workbook sent to you before we begin working together that needs to be completed so we can work together to help you with your business journey.
Bi-weekly (fortnightly) sessions over 3 months
6x 90-minute sessions in total 2 sessions per month
Plus email and wats app support in between sessions should you need it.
Price: £1557 if you pay in full you save £100
3 monthly payments of £552.33
6 monthly payments of £259.50
I currently have 1 space available for this till 3rd October 2024
6 months Business Happiness Program
A workbook sent to you before we begin working together that needs to be completed so we can work together to help you with your business journey.
Bi-weekly sessions over 6 months
12 x 90-minute sessions in total 2 sessions per month
Plus email and wats app support in between sessions should you need it
Price: £3237 if you pay in full you save £200
6 monthly payments of £572.83
12 monthly payments of £286.42
I currently have 1 space available for this till 3rd October 2024

Who is this right for?
✅ Why you should get support
If you have been in business for 2 years or more and are ready to invest learn, grow and take on new ideas and suggestions
You feel stuck in your business and want to make changes but need support and are willing to work with someone like me to help you get there
Have joined courses and listened to other business advisors but feel those sessions were very generic and cookie-cutter and want something that’s more bespoke to you
Are looking for a business champion and someone who will give you support especially because there is a lot of advice out there but feel the actual hands-on support is missing
❌ Why this isn’t for you?
You have only started your business and have had some support but still need more money and resources to get paid support that is being offered here
Feel you won’t take any new ideas on board and aren’t willing to brainstorm or be open to suggestions in your business and learn new ways of going forward
You expect answers to present themselves without taking time to give things a real go and are comparing your business to everyone who is in your industry
Feel you don’t need/want support, you just want information and solid answers to things right now
Can you guarantee results?
It’s not possible to guarantee results just like that as the work we would be doing together is collaborative. If you don’t see results from the work we do it’s important you also look at how much you are also implementing. If you come to me in a session or later and say x didn’t work. I am happy to look at why with you.
However, it’s important you also take responsibility for the work we do together. I can give you all the advice and support out there but if you blame others for not seeing what you want why? I can’t guarantee 100% immediate results but I can guarantee that I have been in business for 5+ years and I will give you all the tools and resources to help you succeed in the way you want to.
What happens if I have felt I have had enough sessions half way through the longer programs.
You can notify me if you want to modify or not continue with the current program you are on. You need to commit to at least 1 month if you pay via the instalment plan. If you pay in full you will still be entitled to all your sessions for a valid period of time. You just won’t get a refund for the sessions you pay for.
What is the main difference between the 90-minute session and the programs you offer?
The main difference is the level of support you will get after the session. You will get one email for support a few weeks after the session and 1 email with your session notes. The support here is unlimited.
You also won’t get additional resources or things sent to you. I offer ongoing support in between sessions for the program. Plus if you are really struggling I will support you via email or WhatsApp.
You also receive a business workbook and I will send you bespoke videos and other tools to help you in between sessions if you take up the program and want this.

My Most Popular Podcast Episodes for Business Women
Turning a traditional career into a business you love (Interview with Natalie Costa)
How to create a successful business and be a mum (Interview with Nicola Huelin)