Episode 117 - 3 ways to cope with career fatigue

In this Episode we talk about 3 ways to cope with career fatigue. This is a theme that ties with the previous episode around January blues. As I know many of us may be feeling a bit fatigued career wise right now.

The main things we covered in this Episode:

  • What is career fatigue and how can this impact your career

  • Why are you feeling fatigued in your career

  • Your health and career fatigue

  • What can you do about career fatigue

Other relevant episodes

Episode 13 five tips to help you move forward with career burnout - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-13---Five-tips-to-help-you-move-forward-with-Career-Burnout-e4e7gt

Episode 40 dealing with career burnout and unhappiness at work - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-40---How-dealing-with-burnout-and-unhappiness-at-work-can-lead-you-to-a-new-career-path-Interview-with-Elaine-Batho-edejed

Episode 48 3 tips on retuning to work after an illness - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-48---3-tips-on-returning-to-work-after-an-illness-eh1j59

Episode 65 - Do we have a hustle problem - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-65---Do-we-have-a-hustle-problem-enk8tq

Episode 108 - 3 ways to cope with work related stress - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-108---3-ways-to-cope-with-work-related-stress-e19cipj

Episode 109 How to talk about mental health at work - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-109---Talking-about-mental-health-at-work-and-tips-on-how-to-manage-this-e1a0hre

If you have any comments and questions about this question please don't hesitate to ask or email me at soma@thecareerhappinessmentor.com


Episode 118 Why being over ambitious isn't a bad thing


Episode 116 - 3 Tips to help with January Blues