Episode 126 - 3 ways to create a business brand and why it's so important
In this episode I will be talking about 3 Ways to create a business brand and why it's so important
The main things I talked about in this episode were:
What is branding?
3 ways to create a business brand
Why it's so important to have a business brand
Examples of personal brand you should follow online
Brands you already know and love and their USPs
Branding exercise to help you you and your business
Some of the personal brands and businesses I mentioned
1. Sharon nutrition consultant - https://www.instagram.com/nutritionandu/
2. Neet nutritionist and coach - https://www.instagram.com/neet_nutrition/
3. Gina Visram careers coach and careers video on Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@yourcareerandfuture
4. Aruna Bansal founder of Asian Single parents network - https://aspnetwork.org.uk/
5. Rupinder Kaur Asian Women mean business - https://www.asianwomenmeanbusiness.com/
6. Mildred Talabi - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mildredtalabi/
7. Dr Julie Smith Psychologist - https://www.instagram.com/drjulie/
Website I mention in the episode
- My home page which shows my mission statement, values and why as well as my 4 pillars of career happiness- https://www.somaghosh.com/
Other useful Podcast Episode
1. Episode 8 with Sharn - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-8---Why-branding-and-marketing-are-important-if-you-want-to-start-a-online-business--Interview-with-Sharn-Khaira-e3o1vt
2. Personal brand episode - https://open.spotify.com/episode/1nWBMP7U9iwP6qc9t3ihln?si=g5JYr_z-Q_e-IQefBt0EJQ
If you have any questions about this episode or how we can support you with your business or career please email us at soma@somaghosh.com