Episode 131 - 3 tips to be healthier in your career

In this Episode I talk about three tips to be healthier in your career.

Some of the key things I spoke about were:

  • Why I choose to talk about this topic and why it's important

  • Health and how it links in with your career happiness

  • What is it about health and you feel can affect your career

Some wellbeing podcasts you may find useful that I mentioned:

- Food for thought podcast - https://www.rhitrition.com/podcast

- Feel better live more podcast - https://drchatterjee.com/blog/category/podcast/

  • Burnout and the impact of how this on your health overall

  • How are you looking after your health now and what action are you taking?

  • Are you resting and taking holidays when you need to

Articles I mentioned in this episode

This is the article about remote working I mentioned in this episode - https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20220616-is-remote-work-worse-for-wellbeing-than-people-think?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_id=worklife

If you want to find out more about the 4 day see the website about the campaign here - https://www.4dayweek.co.uk/

Previous Podcast episodes related to this episode

1. Burnout episode - https://open.spotify.com/episode/5XUHChvDgQkEOfFmZOuoaq

2. Elaine Batho episode - https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/episode-40-how-dealing-with-burnout-and-unhappiness/id1450116167?i=1000473141695

The Personal trainer I mentioned in this episode was called James Smith you can follow him on Instagram here - https://www.instagram.com/jamessmithpt/

How you currently work with me?

These slots are available till 30th June 2022 and I won't be reopening my professional services for women till October 2022

Career Mentoring Program - https://www.somaghosh.com/career-happiness-program

Career Happiness Session - https://www.somaghosh.com/career-happiness-power-hour


Episode 132 - How can an apprenticeship help a young person’s career?


Episode 130 - Business comparison, what is it and why do we need to stop doing it?