Episode 156 - How Yoga can help your career and life with Deepa Sapra

In this episode we talk to yoga teacher and business owner Deepa Sapra 

Some of the main things we talked about in this episode were: 

1. Deepa's journey on how she became a Yoga teacher 

2. What are some of misconceptions about Yoga and how we can challenge some of these 

3. Deepa's career before she was a yoga teacher and what her career expectations were. 

4. How can yoga help a busy professional who is stress and possible going through anxiety 

5. Cultural appropriation and yoga and how can we talk about this openly 

6. The importance of understanding where yoga actually comes from culturally 

7. Tips around meditation and how to do this without technology 

8. How can yoga help young people and children 

You can connect with her on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/deepasaprayoga/

 and visit her website - https://deepasapra.com/ 


Episode 157 - How can you find your career purpose and 2 ways to do this


Episode 155 - 3 reasons why people give up on their business way to soon