Episode 49 - How to recover from redundancy and move on

In this episode, we explore redundancy and how you can cope with it. I also talk about how you can recover from and move forward. Especially because it can be challenging. Add to that what’s going on with the aftermath of Covid-19 I felt this episode was vital for many of you who listen to this podcast.

If you want further support with this and have recently lost your job please also go and listen to episode 45 which is all about “3 tips to help you prepare for possible job loss”.

I also explore the risk of redundancy something I have personally faced and the aftermath of redundancy itself. If you are going through this or have recently faced this please stay tuned to get some tips to help you in the future.

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Soma x


Episode 50 - Are you being undermined at work?


Episode 48 - 3 tips on returning to work after an illness