Episode 53 - Three reasons to start a business

In this episode we talk about reasons to start a business. A theme that comes up a lot and because many of the women I speak to ponder with the idea but feel conflicted by it.

I also refer to a short video I did that ties in with this see link here - https://youtu.be/nM0xAZtHcFQ

I also want to refer to some guests who have amazing business that may inspire you with their wisdom around starting a business

1. Kiki Kirby - https://www.somaghosh.com/podcast/episode-4-finding-your-true-purpose-in-your-career-interview-with-kiki-kirby

2. Sharn Kharia - https://www.somaghosh.com/podcast/episode-8-why-branding-and-marketing-are-important-if-you-want-to-start-an-online-business-interview-with-sharn-khaira

3. Victoria Ademosu - https://www.somaghosh.com/podcast/episode-14-how-to-be-realistic-about-starting-a-new-business-interview-with-victoria-ademosu

4. Lucy Sheridan - https://www.somaghosh.com/podcast/episode-22-career-comparison-and-how-to-deal-with-this-interview-with-lucy-sheridan-wightman

5. Nicole Huelin - https://www.somaghosh.com/podcast/episode-36-how-to-create-a-successful-business-and-be-a-mum-interview-with-nicola-huelin

You can also read my story here and my own business journey here as I briefly mention this in the episode here - https://www.somaghosh.com/about

If you liked this episode you can subscribe to the newsletter here https://thecareerhappinessmentor.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=3cbb0dae04c3c14700da9770e&id=e2f25afd53

If you have any questions or comments about the podcast I always love hearing from you can email me at soma@somaghosh.com


Interview 54 - Creating your version of success in your career (Interview with Anna Lundberg)


Episode 52 - Should I turn a hobby into a business