Episode 81 How Loss can help motivate you in your career
In this episode I talk loss in your career and how a personal loss can help motivate you in your career.
*Trigger warning if you have been affected by loss the themes spoken about here may be upsetting for some of you. Just so you are mindful as I care about you as a listener. Especially because loss has been a big theme since the pandemic.
Please see a summary of the main points I spoke about in this episode
Loss of a loved one and how this can change your career.
Childhood loss and how that can impact on the choices you make.
Loss around divorce, separation and losing finances etc.
Grief and why it's individual journey for everyone.
How can loss help you with your career.
Redundancy and how this opens doors for you.
Job loss and how this can be turned into a fresh start.
Personal Loss and the pandemic.
Recovery period and loss.
How can your loved one inspire you in your career to keep going.
Therapy and counselling for loss and why it can help.
Loss can be a personal driver for us to think about the kind person we really want to be.
What lessons have you learnt from loss.
How can you move forward to living a full life now.
Repurposing your career whilst you can.
Embracing fear and what you would really love to do.
Please see episodes below that were mentioned in the podcast and could also be helpful to you.
Redundancy episode - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-49---How-to-recover-from-redundancy-and-move-on-eil0ap
Job loss episode - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-45---3-tips-to-help-you-prepare-for-possible-job-loss-efjc9k
My story episode - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-11---My-Story-e45qvt
Lessons we can learn from the pandemic - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-67---What-lessons-have-we-learnt-in-2020-and-from-the-Pandemic-enu4mu
If you want to find out more about how to work with me 1-1 please get in touch with me by emailing at soma@thecareerhappinessmentor.com