Episode 99 - 3 Tips to help parents who want better careers advice for their teenagers
In this Episode we look at 3 tips to help parents who want better careers advice for their teenagers this is the third episode to help parents with this.
Some of the main things I looked at included:
Careers advice support in education and schools
How to support your teenager with careers advice
Is there a Careers program in the school
Tips around how to learn about careers information and advice
Keeping up to date with career ideas and resources
Careers interviews and parental involvement
What can you do to support them if school isn't going well for your child
Please check the 2 previous episodes I have already mentioned
1. Episode 97 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-97-Should-I-go-to-university-or-not-e10a0kc
2. Episode 98 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-98---Why-careers-advice-is-important-in-schools-e163j9d
If you have any questions about this episode please email me at soma@thecareerhappinessmentor.com
You can also follow me on Twitter at sgcareers27 - https://twitter.com/sgcareers27
You can also connect with me on LinkedIn here https://www.linkedin.com/in/soma-ghosh-26086638/