Episode 103 - Working hard vs working smart what's real answer to working culture
In this episode we look at the working hard vs working smart. I hear this come up a lot with clients and it's something we as society often struggle with.
Some of the main aspects I looked at were:
What is hard work, and what does it look like?
Society's expectations on what working harder is
Ambition vs hard work
Working smart what does this mean?
Working at home vs working at the office
Flexible working and part-time work
Getting support from your organisation to work smarter.
Podcast I mentioned where I was interviewed called The Big chat where I spoke about careers and the pandemic- https://play.acast.com/s/the-big-chat/soma-ghosh-career-happiness-mentor
Other podcast episodes you may useful
1. Episode 65 - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-65---Do-we-have-a-hustle-problem-enk8tq
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If you have any questions about this episode or anything else please email me at soma@thecareerhappinessmentor.com