Episode 104 - Returning to work as a parent (Interview with Lizzie Martin)
In this Episode I spoke to Lizzie Martin a career and Executive coach.
Within this Episode we spoke about:
The work that Lizzie does to support mums return to work
The main themes around women returning to work after becoming a mum
Confidence and how this affects women in their careers
How motherhood changes women's outlook and career ambitions
Motherhood vs being a working mum
The motherhood penalty and if it's hindering women returning to work.
Career change and working parents
KIT and SPILT days what are and tips around this
We also looked at some current themes in the news see links below
Blog post mentioned in the podcast that Lizzie wrote about KIT and SPILT days - https://www.worklifemother.com/post/make-the-most-of-your-kit-days
The articles that we looked at and discussed in this episode.
Other Episodes you may useful
1. Returning to work after a career break - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-7---How-can-I-restart-my-career-after-a-career-break-e3k3bc
2. Clara Wilcox - https://anchor.fm/careerhappiness/episodes/Episode-66---Supporting-parents-with-their-careers-Interview-with-Clara-Wilcox-entv8b
You can connect with Lizzie by going to site https://www.worklifemother.com/
Connecting with her on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lizzie-martin33/
Or following her on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/worklifemother/
If you want more career insight please subscribe to the monthly newsletter - https://thecareerhappinessmentor.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=3cbb0dae04c3c14700da9770e&id=e2f25afd53
If you have any questions about anything on the podcast please email me at soma@thecareerhappinessmentor.com